
HIWATT World Register

Earlier Hylight Amps

(S/N 0000-4999)

Last updated January 17, 2025
S/N Model Notes Loc.
005DR103 Hylight 4-input "The Ox", CP103-type layout, unusual serial plate, normal cosmetics, open-frame Partridge TG5470(H3795K) OT,TG9302(H3795K) PT, Bulgin, white output jacks, serial right of center??
010DR508 Hylight 4-input DR508. Smooth black tolex, gold script logo. Chassis is marked 'Hiwatt DR508', 2 x EL34 GZ34 rectifier tube. Power switch,but no standby switch. Front panel 4 inputs, V, T, B, V, T, B,indicator, power. Rear panel: hard wired mains, voltage sector 4 ranges, 200-240VAC, centered S/N tag black letters on silver,output selector, 2 output jacks blackUS
012DR508 Hylight 4-input, gold script logo, GZ-34 rectified, no MV, looks to be Sound City style chassis, no 110v tapUS
015DR508 Hylight 4-input DR508, Type AP, serial plate is silver with black letters, other details unknown??
159DR502 Hylight 4-input DR502 top/rear mounted control panel, 2x12 cabinet,plain grey grillcloth, from left to right 2 Nor, 2 Brill Inputs,Vol, Vol, Bass, Treble, 2 Presence jacks, Volume, Intensity, Volume,2 amp fuse holder, power pilot light, no standby, 2 output jacks on rear panelUS
160DR508 Hylight 4-input, 'pebble' covering, Partridge OT, gold 'Hi Watt' logo, mains left side, hard wired, s/n center, black o/p jacks,front panel says only 'HIWATT', LtoR (Normal) V,T,B (Brill) V,T,B,Presence, no standby, GZ34 recto, PT looks non-original, sideways piping on box (parallel to handle)US
162DR506 Hylight 4-input, hard wired mains lead, GZ34 rectifier, no standby switch, no master volume, centered serial number plate, type BASS,Partridge OT TG6556, G7087, replaced PT, HIWATT 506 BASS hand-written inside chassisUK
167DR504 Hylight 4-inputUS
199D103 Hylight 4-input TYPE: AP, MODEL D103 S/N 199 4 input, black tolexUS
213DR105 Hylight 4-input bass amp output transformer replaced and reduced to 50 watt. needs working on. gold logo on clear perspex.UK
224DR106 Hylight 4-input, power transformer replaced with a Hammond, original Partridge OT #TG5479 G6469. all E-caps replaced in 2021. Small plexi Sound City logo.CA
234DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
249DR104 Hylight 4-input PA, 4 volumes, bass, treble, master volume, gold script logo, open-frame Partridges with 'orange ears,' currently (11/2009) being restoredUK
253DR103 Hylight 4-input Split Script Logo front badge, black letters, smooth tolex, whit plastic input jacks like the usual speaker jacks at rear,no Bulgin, hardwired mains in at left rear panel, black speaker jacks,UNUSUAL serial number plate - reversed black/silver from usual pattern, UNUSUAL separate brilliant/normal channels with Vol/Treble/Bass for each like a DR506/508, one presence or master vol? control. All four inputs located at left of panel like a stadard 4 holer - CANNOT CONFIRM model as a DR103 cant read data plate from photo - definitely 4 x EL34EU
287DR106 Hylight 4-input Model No. DR 106, Type: Bass, 4 Volumes, Bass, High, Master,Partridge No TG 7084 and TG 5479-G 7085DE
288DR106 Hylight 4-input Model DR 106, Type: Bass, 4 Volumes, Bass, High, Master,has "WHO" stenciled on the bottom.US
293DR103 Hylight 4-input, smooth covering, Partridges, gold 'Hi Watt' logo, Bulgin hard left,s/n center (white on black plate), black o/p jacks, front panel cracked edges, says only 'HIWATT', 4-in, LtoR (Normal) V,T,B (Brill) V,T,B, Presence, sideways piping on box (parallel to handle)US
301DR103 Hylight 4-input Smooth pebble covering, squared head box with piping running parallel to handle around the box, identical to cabs used on SC105 and Arbiter Power 100. No master volume. White/Grey front panel with black Hiwatt 100 lettering. Custom Built text in location master volume normally located. Metal Chrome logo badge. Black output jacks, black selectors, hardwired mains cable and left of chassis, centered serial plate. Marked LB Hiwatt AP 100w inside chassis. Transformers marked TG5479/G7885 and TG7084 as best can be made out.DE
352other Hylight 4-input DR202 PA, 4 KT88, found in a shed during a house clearance in a poor state of repair with no box. Since been converted to 201 preamp for bass use and gigs regularly with no problems.UK
356DR118 Hylight 2-input, factory demo ampUK
381DR509 Hylight 4-input PA, 50 watt, Partridges, original transformer with 200-210-220-230-240 volt taps, early smooth Vynide, rectifier tubeCA
415DR103 Hylight 4-input, Hard-wired mains lead, chrome metal logo plate,mid 1968 date codes on pots, Partridge transformers no numbers on the mains transformer, output transformer: TG5479,G8414, centered serial number plate. There are two bias controls on the small tagUS
417DR103 Hylight 4-input, Ive had this professionally refurbished.UK
420DR103 Hylight 4-input Chrome Logo. Partridges, TG7084 PT, pot date code 6815. Has early style piping on case - goes around sideways about 2 in. from the front, Bulgin plug - looks to be added later at left rear panel, black output jacks, Early style chassis with multiple tube socket mounting holes provided.UK
422DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
424DR504 Hylight 4-input Smooth Rexine covering, GZ34 rectifier, centered serial number plate, Partridge OT TG6556, G7087, replaced PT, Bulgin added,HIWATT DR504 hand-written inside chassis, front panel says HIWATT 50 with CUSTOM BUILT in smaller lettering above the master volume. Serial tag is glued rather than riveted, voltage selector is the early 200-240v type,chassis is punched for extra preamp sockets.UK
434DR109 Hylight 4-input Partridge tranformers yellow stickers, two strap type handles on the top, facing front to back, echo send /return on the front panel to the right of the inputs. 4-8-16 ohm, and Mains voltage adjusters. Mains lead is wired in as opposed to kettle lead. Amplifier Link socket on front panel.UK
434CR202 Hylight 4-input DR202 PA 4xKT88. 4 channel master on vol treb bass. No send/return/slave. 4 outputs. Factory half power switch. RS 65:1 mike transformers on channel 12. RS can caps coded ZPF. Pots by DCC code 7170 2170. PT TG7241-G8411, OT TG7239-G8412, choke TG7240-G8413UK
440DR103 Hylight 4-input Front plate says JOYCE instead of HIWATT! Pots 68/28. DR 103 written inside chassis. Original Partridge transformers TG 5479/G844 output. Control plate says Hiwatt 100 with small custom built on the right. Good working condition.US
444DR109 Hylight 4-inputUK
448DR109 Hylight 4-input DR109 PA head,mains hardwired at left rear panel, S/N tag centered at rear,glued on, not riveted, black output jacksUK
456DR114 Hylight 4-input Sound City 100 mk2. Hylight serial tag glued at the back with type: AP, Model No: DR114. 4-input, No master volume. Hardwired mains lead, chrome metal Sound City logo plate, Partridge mains: TG7084,G8415, output: TG5479,G8414, two bias controls on the small tag boardUK
462DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input transition chrome logo, vertical Custom Built, Mains lamp red, standby green, hardwired mains lead. Unusual back panel appears original with standard four outputs, plus two DI outs, and also a switch between 100W 200W output.AU
469DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Elephant levant, non-master, Partridge transformers TG7241 G8411 and TG7239 G8412.US
474DR103 Hylight 4-input, Hardwired mains lead, chrome metal logo plate,Partridge mains: TG7084,G8556, output: TG5479,G8455, centered serial number plate. There are two bias controls on the small tag board,early circuit where volume increases dramatically at the end of the sweep of the master volume. Tone: Darker and less lively than my 72 DR103.US
478DR509 Hylight 4-input Smooth covering, added front warning label Warning plug in speakers before switching on amplifier. Used to be a church PA at one time, no GZ34 rectifier.US
479DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, chrome metal logo plate, straight heat shield,internal caps, Bulgin mains, yellow standby neon, red mains neon,Partridges (incl. inductor), PT: TG7241, H8411, OT: TG7239, H8412UK
486DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
497DR504 Hylight 4-input, smooth covering, Partridges, silver cloth front w/ black&white cursive Hiwatt plate, front panel says 'HIWATT AMPLIFIER CO.', LtoR Loudness1, Loudness2, B,M,T,P,MV, inside looks fairly standard early 70sUS
500DR103 Hylight 4-input, I have owned this amp for over 30 yearsDE
511DR112 Hylight 6-input PA Transformers TG5479/G8655, TG7084/G8656. Caps dated 6820 6828, pots by DCC 6815 6828. Serial plate rivetted, hardwired power cable. Hiwatt 6/ch 100w PA written inside chassis. Master volume but socket marked Amplifier Link where Master Presence is normally found. Echo Out In, no slave socket.UK
531DR504 Hylight 4-input Chrome Badge, Pots range in date from 28th week of 1968 to 47th week of 1968. 4uf axial cap on preamp board dated 27th week of 1969, PT - TG6507, G8763, OT - TG6556/2, G8764, Faceplate reads 'HIWATT 50 Custom Built'.US
538DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input EX DAVE DEE DOZY BEAKY MICK TICH TICH OWNED AMP, chrome logo, transformers partridge handwritten TG7241/G8411 and TG7239/G8412 - choke TG7240/G8413 and caps/pots all around 30th week 1968, 88uf pre filter, 4uf axial, 22k presence pot, shared cathodes on v1 v2, red and orange neons, factory DI out and factory half power switch, black output jacks selectors, straight heat shield, centered serial plate,HIWATT 200W A.P. handwritten inside, rich, clear, plenty of gain availableUS
540DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input, Hiwatt 100, chrome metal logo,centered serial number plate, Partridge.IT
548DR109 Hylight 4-input PA, 100 wattFR
553DR103 Hylight 4-inputU?
558DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
560DR103 Hylight 4-input, chrome metal logo, hardwired mains cable, centered serial plate, several extra holes in chassis, ex-Walter BreckerUS
561DR504 Hylight 4-input, chrome nameplate, original hard-wired mains cord, black output jacksUK
565DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input Type AP. PT Partridge TG7084 G8656,OT Partridge TG5479 G9179 both hand written. Faceplate reads HIWATT 100 Custom Built. Missing chrome metal logo.JP
569DR103 Hylight 4-input Unusual Logo.UK
583DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input ex MANFRED MANNIT
591DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, chrome metal logo, hardwired mains thin cable for 220V, early, odd pre-amp same as DR201 #479 both halves of V2 driving tone stack in parallel, 8uf filter caps, 100 ohm screen resistors, red power lamp, clear standby lamp like Sound CityCA
591DR103 Hylight 4-input, very clean, "bowler hat" indicatorDE
592DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUK
594DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
604DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUS
606DR203 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input holes for 4 input but two lower holes are missing jack sockets. Large Partridge Tx.US
607DR103 Hylight 4-input Type: APUK
616DR103 Hylight 4-input metal arms on the front.IT
618DR103 Hylight 2-input ex-Jimmy Page, type SAP or DR118 - marked Jimmy Page on front panel, story says 4 built, replaced power transformer and other repairs, XLR jack in the Switch location where normally a 1/4 in. jack is.US
640DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
646DR504 Hylight 4-input, have installed NOS Mullards, needs feet replaced. This amp has the chrome logo and is featured on MHuss Website.US
651DR103 Hylight 4-input Type AP. Chrome metal logo. PT Partridge TG9302 G9302 stamped. OT Partridge TG5479 G9179 written. Pot dates 6847 to 6923. Capacitors by RS from 6919, 4 cans only, includes 16-16MFD 500V. White voltage and impedance selectors. Black selector rings. Black output jacks. Came with Mullard pre amp and AEG output. Some mods in pre amp stage. NOE parts main switch and indicator. Mains hard wire replaced by IEC. Remod and restauration planned for 2010/2011.BE
653DR103 Hylight 4-input 1969 head all original, with 1971 cabinetIT
660DR504 Hylight 4-input, hardwired mains lead, chrome metal logo plate,Partridge transformers PT: TG6507,G8763 OT: TG6556/2,G8764,centered serial number plate. Early circuit where volume increases dramatically at the end of the sweep of the master volume. The output transformer only has 8 and 16 ohm taps although the impedance switch on the back offers 4, 8, 16 ohm and 100w settings the 4 ohm setting goes to the 8 ohm tap. This set up is original not modified. Tone: Darker and less lively than my 72 DR504.US
662DR103 Hylight 4-input Hiwatt custom 100, no presence controlUS
665DR103 Hylight 4-input, all cans and pots dated 68/9DE
669DR103 Hylight 4-input, traditional black & white logo, open frame Partridges, Bulgin, SNtag centered, 'half-power' switch added along with some other modsUS
670DR103 Hylight 4-input, I bought this from the remaining members of the band 'The LAs,'I think they were called Cammy? They said it was Pete Townsends who lent it them to do the first album.I have no proof of this and no longer own the amp.UK
673DR103 Hylight 4-input, logo with smaller print, open frame Partridges,Bulgin, SNtag centered, 'half-power' switch addedUK
674DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 2-input SAP, Special All Purpose, 68/69 date codes,Partridge PT:TG9424,G9486, OT:TG7239,G9182, Choke:TG7240,G9183,similar control layout to the rare WHO DR118: 2 INPUT sockets - 1 SWITCH socket, then VOLUME, BALANCE, BASS, TREBLE, MIDRANGE,PRESENCE, MASTER. The original Dymo label faceplate was recently replaced with a custom-made faceplate and the two neon indicators have been replaced with the green and red type.UK
678DR112 Hylight 6-input PA, TG9302/G9302, TG5479/G9179. Caps 6914, pots 6917,6920 6838. Written inside Hiwatt 100w AP overwritten PA/6. White selectors, Bulgin socket added laterUK
695DR103 Hylight 4-input, bought for ~ £100 25 years ago, original except for a replaced stand-by switchUK
700DR504 Hylight 4-input The most unique thing about my head is that seems to never have had logo badge mounted. There are no screw holes. I bought at Black Market Music in LA about decade ago. $400! It is the best amp I have ever owned!!!US
710DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Rebuild in 2021, LAZY SQAD spray-painted on top of housing.DE
712DR103 Hylight 4-input, added slave output, re-capped, extremely clean,has V1 shared cathode and cathode follower on V2.FI
715DR103 Hylight 4-input, CP103 circuit/layout, Type SAP, Partridge PT TG9302,G9487, OT TG5479,G9486, centered S/N, white O/P jacks,possibly owned/played by Pete Townsend,UK
725DR103 Hylight 4-input Used with Trees, Pluto, Screaming Lord Sutch,The Flying Saucers, HawkwindUK
727DR103 Hardwired mains lead (like Sound City), serial tag is centred,1969 cap dates, Partridge OT TG5479/G9486, PT TG9302/G9487UK
742CP103 Hylight 4-input Likely from the first batch of 103s made for Pete Townshend. The Who logo is more to the right than on later batches. Previously belonged to Alan Rogan who purchased it from Pete when they first broke up in 1982CA
743DR103 Hylight 4-input Ex Soft Machine DR103. 1969 dates on caps, transformers PT:TG9302/G9487, OT:TG5479/G9486 and late 1969 dates on pots. Cathode follower on V2, thin font on traffolyte HIWATT badge.US
746DR504 Hylight 4-input 1969 or 1970, "CUSTOM BUILT" legend above Master Vol.US
746DR504 Hylight 4-input Purchased from a recording studio in Portland, OR in September 2021. Pots date 1969. Original Partridge transformers. Fully serviced, sounding big and bold. One filter cap moved to enlarged chassis hole between V1 and V2 during recap. No extra holes on front panel or back panel. Custom Built indicated on plexi faceplate. This example built during the Hylight era when Dave Reeves was building custom amps for local artists.US
747DR103 Hylight 4-input pots date to 68, all caps to 69. Partridge transformers, line out jack w/line out option on impedance selector. Curiously no metal shield plate underneath chassis like emost others Ive seen. CA
749DR103 Hylight 4-input SAP, IEC connector installed, partridges, thin logo and front panel material, all original except perhap the indicator,and the 'switch' jack is disconnectedUS
755DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 2-input SAP - Two Inputs and a Switch Input BalanceGR
763DR103 Hylight 4-input, DR 103 BASS (not AP), Partridge TG5479/G9486 and TG9302/69487, no blue marker on the solders.FR
765DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Recapped, but I still have the original ones!PL
777DR103 Hylight 4-input BASS (vs. AP)IT
780DR103 Hylight 4-input has half power switch, possibly factory installed.UK
781DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input LEAD version, all original, location: SloveniaSI
793DR109 PA-100, Partridge TG9302/TG5479, 69487/69486FR
795DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input AP transformers: TG9424, TG7239 pots: 6941 and before caps: 6951 and before. White speaker jacks, all parallel. Fixed mains cable. Good condition. In regular use as a bass amp. Recently replaced caps with JJs and added IEC AC socket.PL
810DR103 Hylight 4-inputAU
811DR103 Hylight 4-input Excellent condition.US
814DR504 Hylight 4-input Pot Dates: 6926 6941-42, 50v Cap Date: 6928 Partridge Dates: PT: TG6507/G9485, OT: TG6556/G9484, Belonged to the guitarist from a fairly successful 1990s acid-jazz band. In a pretty grotty state - hasnt been tested due to having the original Bulgin 3-pin socket. Reads Export on the side of the chassis, and Brian on the back plate.UK
816DR504 Hylight 4-inputIR
831DR103 Hylight 2-input "Switch" model, Partridges TG9302,G9487 and TG5479,G9486, original caps dated 1969, head box exterior roughUK
833DR103 Hylight 4-input, I bought it over over 35 ago or more years ago from aUK
846DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
850DR103 Hylight 4-input Great condition and sound. With power amp jack input in place of front panel red lamp. Now it is used in studio for bass and guitar.PL
852CP103 Hylight 4-input likely ex-Townsend, at Hard Rock Museum, OrlandoUS
854DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
858DR103 Hylight 4-input worn, CBB stenciled on side. factory grommet over mains hole at left rear panel, Bulgin plug, white output jacksUK
882DR103 Hylight 4-input Type AP, excellent conditionUS
884DR504 Hylight 4-input, Bulgen, white selectors, open-frame PartridgesUS
892OL103 Hylight 4-input ex Townsend, at Rock Roll Hall of Fame, ClevelandUS
894DR103 Hylight 4-input, latest date code 1970, cabinet in poor shape, line out added, IEC fitted, Partridge TG9302 G9487, TG5479 G9486UK
897STA200 4-KT88 Hylight slave All original except feet and valvesGB
902CP103 Hylight 4-inputUS
903DR103 Hylight 4-input caps dated late 1969. Pots dated 1969 and up to 17th week of 1970. Pre-standardized preamp with shared cathodes on V1 and cathode follower on V2.US
905DR103 Hylight 4-input, saved it from being destroyed in the trash. Know very little about it. Have it fully restored New Tubes, new Cabs. Sounds great and I love it.DE
919DR112 Hylight 6-input PAUS
920DR112 Hylight 6-input PA Hylight era. A very dusty rescue project. Control panel has significant horizontal crack roughly at level of top of chassis, with several radiating cracks last T of Hiwatt is missing. The 2 in serial number appears to have been struck over a 1. Pots dated 1968 and 1969, caps 1969 and 1970 one has evidence of a single bubble. Yellow-label Partridges TG9302/G9487 and TG5479/G9486. White speaker outputs. Two extra line ins with level control above the echo in/out looks like a factory mod. Came with four Mullard EL34s, four Mullard 12AX7s, two Brimars and a Zaerix 12AX7. Black tolex is different pattern than my 1972 DR-103. Bulgin outlet replaced with IEC.
UPDATE: Apparently modified by Hiwatt, this PA includes a seventh preamp tube, an extra pair of inputs over the standard echo in/out, and a pair of chicken head controls, one each to the right of each pair of echo in/out so one is between the standard echo in/out and slave inputs, and the other is directly above. Upon testing, these controls are effect level controls determining the wet/dry mix of whatever is in the loop.Bass response on this head is particularly strong, even with all the original electrolytic caps mostly keep bass at 9 oclock ~3 for guitar use, too strong at 6 oclock.
922DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Serial stamped as /922. PT TG9424 G9489, OT TG7239 G9488,choke TG7240 G9490. Filter caps date codes 6951, 6953 70-07. Pots made by DCC and date codes are 6920, 7007, 6846 6923. Despite the /, sure it dates to early 1970 and serial therefore 922 not 1922UK
931DR103 Hylight 4-input All original and in spec apart from one filter cap. pots mostly mid 69,presence pot 7007, both sides of V2 used, plenty of preamp gain available. White speaker outs and impedance/voltage selectors. First half of master volume sweep quite gradual then can get extremely loud very quickly from there. Mains switch different to standby but looks to be original. Amazing sounding amp.IE
938DR203 4-KT88 Hylight 6-input PAUK
944DR103 Hylight 4-inputSP
946DR103 Hylight 4-inputSE
954DR103 Hylight 4-input all original except for IEC mains.US
968STA200 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, open frame Partridges, incl. choke, Bulgin, tolex on case removed - painted black, rear panel missing - replaced with wood, front panel still has tolexUK
969DR103 Hylight 4-input Very good condition and working + 1971 cab all original.SP
973DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin mains, open frame Partridges, white selectors and output jacksUK
975DR103 Hylight 4-input MINT Condition, Bulgin, white selectors and output jacks,open frame 'orange ears' Partridges, Dave Reeves 'topside' style wiringUK
995DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputDE
999DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
1002DR103 Hylight 4-input Original Partridge transformers TG5479/H1037 and TG9302/H1038 2 joints re-soldered, but all parts original except mains plug changed to an IEC and valves replaced. Pots s/nos 6942 normal, brill and bass, 7017 presence 7027 treble, middle master, the cap can s/nos are 7028. Legend has it she was given to Robin Trower Procal Harem by Dave Reeves along with s/n 1000 and s/n 1001 around 1970/71. Robin sold the amp to a guy called Phil Mitchell circa '75, who later became bass guitarist with Doctor Feelgood, then Phil sold her to me in the mid 90's. Three owners from new, all from Southend-on-Sea, Essex. Amp cabinet stripped at some point in the 80's and has been sanded and varnished with gold/black woven fret on the front, white piping and gold tadpole piping.UK
1004DR103 Hylight 4-inputTR
1008DR103 Hylight 4-inputIT
1013DR103 Hylight 4-input, very early DR103 with cathode follower in preamp and old-style tone stack, 1070s pot codes, PT TG9302,G9487, OT TG5479.G9486,odd cannon/XLR output jacks, added XLR input, gain boost switch mod,original otherwise.US
1030DR103 Hylight 4-input, Cut down plate, unusual preamp section similar to S/N 1489NL
1032DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridge TG9302 PT and TG5479 OT, adjustable bias mod,cut down serial plate, pots show mid to late 70 manufacture datesUS
1040DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
1062DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
1064DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
1065DR103 Hylight 4-input Caps dated 70xx. Partridge open frame transformers. Mains on/off switch appears to have been replaced. Otherwise original with Mullard valvesUK
1069DR103 Hylight 4-inputIT
1075DR103 Hylight 4-input Bought as a present from my Dad in around 1985 from Vine Music in Evesham, Worcestershire UK. According to the guy in the shop it used to belong to The Kinks. I havent opened it other than to put Svetlana EL34 tubes in around 2006 as it was starting to be gigged more and needed comfort of new tubes on stage...UK
1077DR504 Hylight 4-input unfortunately the chassis is not in the original cabinet. NL
1085DR504 Hylight 4-inputAU
1091DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-Input, Bulgin,4-white speaker jacks,green standby Neon, red mains NeonDE
1095DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
1095CP103 Hylight 4-input, Has 'The Who' engraved faceplate, Bulgin, brown selector legends,open frame Partridges: PT TG9302,H4617B and OT TG5479, H4616C (?), white output jacks, extra 'third hole' next to fuse holders. NOTE: Likely a forgery/conversionUS
1097DR103 Hylight 4-input thin lettering plastic logo not used for very long,Partridge transformers: PT info not visible, OT: TG5479/H1037, 1970 cap and pot dates, white output jacks, red dots on solder, volume increases dramatically at the end of the sweep of the master volume,all original case.IT
1105DR103 Hylight 4-input Killer amp with late 1960s layout!US
1106DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputFR
1112DR112 Hylight 6-input PA Worked hard then stored for some time, re-capped,re-valved, cleaned up and back in service in 2011!UK
1117DR103 Hylight 4-inputIR
1117?DR112 Hylight 6-input PA, Still playing out with this Amp!!US
1133DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1134DR103 Hylight 4-inputBE
1135DR103 Hylight 4-inputNL
1136DR103 Hylight 4-inputBE
1157DR504 Hylight 4-input Excellent condition, only few nicks in tolex. Chassis is pristine. Original Mullard pre-amp and power valves. Hylight 4-input Transformers TG6507-G9485, TG6556/2-G9484. Caps dated 7028, pots by DCC dated 7027 7035BE
1168DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin mains, open frame Partridges PT: T69302/H1038, OT: TG5479/H1?37, chassis has two extra small tube socket holes, and four small holes over the pots.US
1177DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin mains, open frame Partridges,somewhat corroded chassis, has two extra small tube socket holes, and four small holes over the pots.UK
1183DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input Excellent condition, only few nicks in tolex. Chassis is pristine. Original Mullard pre-amps, Transformers TG5479-5H1037,TG9302- H1038. Caps dated 7038-7035-7029. Middle pot as been changed. Two holes on back plate damaged, cut down serial plateFR
1190DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
1202DR504 Hylight 4-input Type:AP, Year of Manufacture: 1971UK
1213DR103 Hylight 4-inputDK
1220DR103 Hylight 4-inputCA
1221DR103 Hylight 4-inputBE
1223DR103 Hylight 4-inputBE
1233DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1247DR504 Hylight 4-input Type: APUS
1261DR103 Hylight 4-inputGR
1263DR103 Hylight 4-input I bought it with 2 4x12 cabs from Badfinger name still on cab back in 1970 when we formed Wolf. Used it with Caravan until about 1980ish and still used it up to 4 months ago. New valves twice - Fanes re-coned 3 or 4 times. It wasnt the first. I was playing with Jerry Donahue at school and about 4 years after and we tried Sound City amps,originally also by Dave Reeves. Then we heard that they had changed,but that Dave Reeves was making his own brand. We went to his house and found they were being built in his garage - and we bought one. I love this amp..I think its going to outlive me.
2018-04: DI output added for direct to PA
1264DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1265DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1269other Hylight slaveUS
1282DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridge open-frames TG5679 OT/TG9302 PT, early 70's circuit, original can caps, IEC added, one pot and one fuseholder replaced.US
1290DR103 Hylight 4-input Still going strong in Australia,AU
1304DR103 Hylight 4-input A previous owner had the bright idea to recover the head and matching 4122 cab in purple tolex. Kind of a cruel practical joke, but it sounds phenomenal.US
1319STA200 4-KT88 Hylight slave Custom Slave 200 with white WHO marking on bottom,white 103 marking on the side. T67239=G9433, T69424=G9489, caps date 70.34. Standby toggle and power chord plug replaced. Power tubes = original GEC, ECC81 and ECC83 = EGRO.DE
1323DR203 4-KT88 Hylight 6-input PA, Partridge mains g9489/t69424, choke t67240,pots-7037/38, caps all 70s.IR
1325DR103 Hylight 4-input Partridge transformers, RS caps - 70/38CA
1328DR103 Hylight 2-input Jimmy Page, DR103, Jimmy Page plate with XLR where 1/4 jacks usually are,Partridge transformers, Bulgin plug, RS caps D7028-38, Pots 7035-38,Original McMurdo tube sockets.US
1329DR103 Hylight 4-inputIT
1336DR103 Hylight 4-input, late 1970 date codes, OT TG5479-H1037,PT TG9302-H1038, all original, 3rd generation ownerUK
1350DR103 Hylight 4-input, Formerly owned by the Dutch blues band Livin' BluesNL
1351DR103 Hylight 4-input H7037 Partridge transformers, 7035-7038 pot codes,7028-7039 cap codesUS
1362DR103 Hylight 4-input Probably 1970. This amp has a Marshall-like tonestack,but no cathode follower driving it. All filter caps replaced in 2012. IEC mains socket fitted. 1K5s on the power tubes. V2 socket replaced long ago, otherwise original.NL
1366DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1383DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, in Reykjavik, IcelandIC
1384DR112 Hylight 4-inputUK
1392DR103 Hylight 4-input Purchased from original owner in North London. All original except new filter caps and screens, 70.09 date on original filters. DAVE written inside headshell. US
1394DR103 Hylight 4-input Recapped by Rift amps. Original Mullard preamp tubes still inside.UK
1398DR112 Hylight other No inspection label on the inside but all the RS caps are dated 70xx = 1970. Only visable chage is the power cable and one cap. 6 preamp valves, one made in india the others are Mullard. Make of EL34s unknown. One transformer is a TG5479 the other is a DMX85 - BBDM 0.37a 50~.UK
1399DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1405DR103 Hylight 4-input Original Mullards. Different valued Caps on output stage than standard wiring diagram. Excellent condition.UK
1406DR103 Hylight 4-input Original except for tubes, excellent conditionUS
1416DR103 Hylight 4-input, Pots 79247037, Cap D7039, Tx. TG5479/H1037 and TG9320/H1038UK
1431DR103 Hylight 4-inputCH
1440STA200 4-KT88 Hylight SlaveDE
1446STA200 4-KT88 Hylight Slave CH
1450DR103 Hylight 4-input Type AP ModelCH
1479DR504 Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridges TG9507-G9485 PT,TG6556/2-G9484 OT, Bulgin plug, white output jacksUS
1483DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
1484DR103 Hylight 4-input Recapped. Very good conditionNL
1488DR103 Hylight 4-input Had this amp almost from new. Its lived in Bradford its entire life. It worked as a bass amp in a pro band for many years. Recently revalved and serviced,it is starting a new lease of life as a guitar amp for my son. Everything is original apart from the bulgin now replaced with IEC, it even has the original cover. It still sounds awesome and is rocking more than ever.UK
1489DR103 Hylight 4-input, non-standard tone circuit w/22k mid pot, 1970 date codes.UK
1490DR103 Hylight 4-input 1970 build I bought it from a guy who bought it in 1971. It has been in a closet since then. Has original Mullards.US
1497DR504 Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridges TG9507-G9485 PT,TG6556-G9484 OT, Bulgin plug, white output jacks, re-capped,pot date codes 33/70US
1504DR103 Hylight 4-input, needs repairUS
1504DR103 Hylight 4-input, recappedFR
1505DR103 Hylight 4-input, 1971US
1540DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
1547DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Almost original. Some minor repairs have been done. Parts are dated 7038 but there is a label which says Inspected -75.FI
1555DR103 Hylight 4-input, the name DAVE is written inside the case. Partridges: PT:TG9302, OT: TG5479, Bulgin mains, Caps RS, date code 7039.NL
1561DR103 Hylight 4-input, original owner bought from DR January 1971, some caps and power section resistors replaced, Bulgin replaced w/IEC, one output jack replaced, bias adj addedBE
1566DR103 Hylight 4-input This amp, model AP, is in pristine shape. At some 60 mA/tube it devours powertubes, so the owner asked me to build in an adjustable bias control.NL
1569DR103 Hylight 4-input Both Vol/Bass pots1 M Log dated 71/05. Treb/Master pots250K Log dated 70/44. Mid/Pres pots100K Lin dated 70/48. Three filter caps are RS and dated D7039. The 50/50 cap is a C-D dated 7023. The 32/16 is a C-D dated 6829. Amp has a replaced mains switch,indicator lamp, and mains fuse holder.US
1576DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridge transformers, Bulgin plug/socketUK
1578DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin replaced with modern equivalent then replaced with Bulgin 2005, re-capped 2006UK
1581DR103 Hylight 4-input Good Condition. Original Patridge Transformers / Mullard Preamp Tubes / Phillips EL34 / Original Caps / owner since 1990 - few hours of operationCH
1591DR103 Hylight 4-input white output jacks, factory grommet over spare mains hole on left rear panel, line out added, Bulgin connector replaced by IECGR
1596DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1602DR504 Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridges, Bulgin plug, cut-down S/N right, white output jacksUK
1613DR103 Hylight 4-input, 4 input, Cut down tag, output tranny was replaced in the early 90s, all original components inside.US
1622DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridge Power x-former,fender output x-former,great sound owned since 1980US
1624DR103 Hylight 4-input, cut down serial tag, spent most its life in a studio in ItalyUS
1628DR103 Hylight 4-input, date code on cap is 7016 (1970)US
1632STA100 Hylight STA100 Owned by Nick Lowe when he was in Brinsly Schwartz. 100 watt EL34, 1 in and 1 out, 1 volume knob.US
1633DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputNE
1636DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridges, smooth tolex, cut down serial plate,Bulgin relaced w/IEC, hard-wiired for 115VAC, green indicator, lots of parts replaced and internal work done.US
1644DR103 Hylight 4-input The chassis was refurbished by Victor Mason and his staff at Mojave Amp Works, Apple Valley, California. The Box was in such beat up condition I had it to have it put to sleep and replaced by a custom-made reproduction from Mojo Musical Supply. The original box now serves as a potted plant stand.US
1645DR103 Hylight 4-input Original DR103 YEAR 1971 Cut Down Serial Plate, used by HORSLIPS with stenciled name on side, has been stored since it was purchased at an auction of used backline in Dublin Ireland.IR
1652DR103 Hylight 4-input I bought used in 1978.CA
1656DR103 Hylight 4-input, at a guitar store in Phoenix, AZ, cut-down serial plate, original Bulgin mains socket.US
1665DR103 Hylight 4-inputIT
1671DR103 Hylight 4-input Type: APUS
1675DR103 Hylight 4-input Bought in 1970 directly from Dave Reeves at New Malden house, Partridge xformers, Bulgin power cord/connector, All original including handwritten fuse values on white gaffer tape - Dave R's handwriting, replaced set of UK Mullard EL-34s, amp in museum condition including original cover, Phenomenal amp - will never part with it.US
1679DR103 Hylight 4-input I bought this amp for a hundred pounds from a passer-by at Camden Lock markets where I had a stall in 1986 or 1987. It already had an effects loop added. I later took it to Sydney and had it serviced - after that it had non-original valves and power capacitors but whether I bought it with originals I dont know. I fitted an IEC mains socket. It still has Partridge transformers. This amp was once played by Andy Bell of Ride later of Oasis, then Beady Eye who borrowed it when my band Jupiter supported Ride in 1991. His own Hiwatt had been left in the UK and he was playing through hired Marshalls - which he didnt like.AU
1683DR103 Hylight 4-inputGB
1705DR103 Hylight 4-input, CP103 circuit and layout, "The Who" faceplate, ex John EntwistleUK
1715DR504 Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridges, Bulgin plug, S/N right,white output jacksUK
1721DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Bulgin. 4 white outputs. Black selector rings. Original red and orange neons. Yellow label Partridges PT TG9424 H1423 OT TG7239 H1424 choke TG7420 H1041. Large RS pots date 70.48 to 71.21. Original RS caps date 70.50 recap March 2010. Came with Sovtek KT88 and 3 ECC83 1 ECC81 at V3. Original cover with light blue piping.BE
1763CP103 Hylight 4-input, "The Who" faceplate, Pie Studios.UK
1770DR103 Hylight 4-input As new, including the original cover. It is in Salzburg,Austria.AT
1775DR103 Hylight 4-input -Power transformer was missing - Type AP, Output transformer TG5479/H1422, Pots RS 71/21, 71/04, 71/48,71/10, Switches ARROW, Diodes KY0. I just finished restoring it but its missing the headshell.US
1778DR504 Hylight 4-input amplifier came to me in original condition apart from the valves but the mixture in it are all old. Dates on the filter caps range from mid 69 to mid 70US
1798DR103 Hylight 4-input, bog standard DR103UK
1771DR103 Hylight 4-input, has a half power switch on the backUK
1780DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
1781DR504 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridges, Bulgin plug,white output jacks, 100 original, including the mullard pre and power tubes. Amp is one of the angriest DR504s Ive heard.US
1790DR103 Hylight 4-input AP type. Couple screws loose on the back but sounds great. Austin, TexasUS
1806DR103 Hylight 4-input, bought new in 72US
1807DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
1830DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
1841DR103 Hylight 4-input, added improved bias-circuit, the rest is originalFI
1864DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input, Partridge xfrmrs,Bulgin plug/socket, White o/p jacks, Type AP. Oldest cap code 6922. GB
1871DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input FR
1872DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUS
1893DR103 Hylight 4-input In my possession since 1976.DE
1895DR103 Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridges, Bulgin, S/N right, black selector rings, white jacks, odd 'Canon' connector added near fuses, black 'corner protectors' added to cabDE
1904DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, Partridges, bias doubler mod, 1/2 power switch added far left rear panel, white output jacks, very clean.US
1905SE4122 Hylight 2-inputUK
1925STA200 4-KT88 Hylight slaveFR
1942DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input. I am the original owner. I bought the amp from Continental Music on Foster Avenue in Chicago. Amp still all original.US
1945DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, underneath the HIWATT logo on the front there is a separate badge that has been added: Continental Music, ChicagoUS
1949DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, original GECs, Bulgin mains connector replaced,Bought new in 1971 from Dave Reeves in New Malden by Colin Pattenden,bassist for the Manfred Mann Earth Band.US
1961DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
1986DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, MAY have been owned by Manfred Manns Earth Band - has a tour logo on one side, and the number 244 spray painted on top.UK
1987DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, located in Iceland, says 'Custom Built' on the front panelIC
1992DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
2002DR103 Hylight 4-input, RARE clear perspex case (music show demo), early 70s ckt,open frame Partridges, very cleanUS
2009DR103 Hylight 4-input Straightforward DR103. Early and mid 1971 date codes on caps and pots.US
2010DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
2020DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, right of centre serial tag, Very thick 5 ply HIWATT badge. Masses of headroom and volume when compared with #727.UK
2023DR103 Hylight 4-input, Transformers show build dates of 6507 and 65xx.DE
2025DR504 Hylight 4-input, Original Partridge transformers power-H1426.TG6502 and H1427,TG6556 orginal RS and mustard caps. Missing orginal head shell,just got this amp from england. Clean chassis,no mods or replaced parts,only one resistor replaced in power section.US
2028DR103 Hylight 4-input, repl. Partridge PT, TG5479,H1422 OT, significant preamp mods, 1/2 power switch added, IEC mains socket, 1971 Pot codesUS
2030DR504 Hylight 4-input Modded to 100 Watts. Nicely done, leaving intact Mr. Reeves work as much as possible. Beautiful Hiwatt tone. Actual 98 Watts RMS, 260!!Watts Peak using JJ EL34s biased to ~ 40ma. US
2039DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
2047DR103 Hylight 4-input totally standard, been in storage since 1981UK
2059DR201 Hylight 4-input, Partridge TG7239 / TG9424DK
2061DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input I purchased this from an Estate Sale in Nashville, TN. The Estate Sale was for the late Brian Harrison who ran The Rendering Plant,a recording studio based out of his home in Nashville.US
2084DR504 Hylight 4-input, has some internals mods.US
2097DR103 Hylight 4-input Yellow label open frame Patridges, PT TG9302-H1421,OT TG5479-H1422, black selector rings, 100V line tap, RS caps 3x 200 mfd dated 71.21 1x 50-50 mfd dated 70.23, RS pots dated 71.18 to 71.39,factory grommet left of fuses. All original except for IEC. Restored to Bulgin Feb 2010. Retubed.BE
2105DR103 Hylight 4-input, Inside the right hand side of cabinet the letters J BNI
2129DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin replaced with IEC, right of center cut-down serial tag, no end bells on transformers, early 70s preampUK
2130DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridge TG9302 PT, TG7549 bifilar OT w/100v tap,no end bells, small blue 2% resistors, large RS pots, all original except screen resistors replaced with 1k/5w, white output jacks,black rings around selectors, cut down serial plate says DR504 103 with 504 struck out, Bulgin mains connector, all dates code indicate mid-1971US
2132DR103 Hylight 4-input, 1971, factory half power switch on the back panel,Does not have the serial number plate,but as can be seen it was marked with a blue marker from the factory. The two holes on the chassis which normally hold the S/N plate are missingIT
2145DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, right of center serial tag, no end bells on transformersUS
2167DR103 Hylight 4-input, transformers TG9302 TH1421CH
2187DR103 Hylight 4-input in great conditionSE
2193DR103 Hylight 4-input Partridge TG3479 OT, Partridge TG9302 PTUS
2209DR504 Hylight 4-input Owned since early 1974, bought at Top Gear, Denmark St. Extensive use, good condition with a few scuffs,still works fine, no issues.UK
2227DR112 Hylight 6-input PAUK
2228DR112 Hylight 6-input PA, 1971 cap & pot dates, Partridge TG5479 (OT), TG9302 (MT)UK
2238DR103 Hylight 4-input, missing logo plate.DE
2260DR103 Hylight 4-input partridge transformers, all original cap cans two RS date codes: 7125, 7023, mustard capsIT
2262DR103 Hylight 4-input Partridge transformersUK
2265DR103 Hylight 4-input This is a special one, made specifically for Robert Fripp of King Crimson. The chassis has a red marker with the words King Crimson C. However, the amp was later sold to Tommy Bolin of The James Gang/Deep Purple. It has a switch/modification on the rear allowing it to run at 50w output instead of 100w, for studio work, together with a sticker showing it was serviced by Dennis Electronics of Union City ,N.J.US
2270DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
2272DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
2274DR103 Hylight 4-input, an extra hole empty, not connected to anything drilled between the serial plate and the impedance switch.IT
2277DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
2280DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
2283DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
2237DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
2292DR504 Hylight 4-input, smooth covering, Partridges, silver cloth front w/ black&white cursive Hiwatt plate @ top left, front panel says 'HIWATT AMPLIFIER CO.', LtoR Loudness1, Loudness2, B,M,T,P,MV, inside looks fairly standard early 70sUS
2297DR504 Hylight 4-inputDE
2299DR504 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin replaced w/ IEC, Partridges w/o bell ends,early 70s ckt., transformer-coupled line out added, indicator repl., a few repairsUK
2424DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridge TG9302,H1421 and TG5479,H1422US
2228DR203 Hylight 6-input PA, 1971 cap & pot dates, Partridge TG5479 (OT),TG9302 (MT), 6xEL34UK
2309DR504 Hylight 4-input Purchased in Georgia US in late 90sUS
2312DR504 Hylight 4-inputUK
2333STA200 4-KT88 Hylight slave. Having a presence added to the circuit by Chandlers Guitar Experience in the UK. Used in the Floyd Tribute act along with the Fender Twin PreampUK
2337STA100 Hylight slave shipped from Angel music in London 3/2009. Lived in the UK all its life, Now in California.US
2360DR103 Hylight 4-input Excellent condition. Really impressive.BR
2367DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin -> hard-wired cord, open frame Partridges,S/N right, black sel. rings, white output jacks, logo missingDE
2378DR103 Hylight 4-input This amp is in excellent condition, I've owned it for 20 years but haven played it for about 8 years.US
2382DR504 Hylight 4-inputUK
2384DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input DR-103. Pot codes date it to the 41st week of 1971, meaning this was likely built in early 1972,likely in the new at the time Kingston Facility. Red markings internally over the solder joints indicate that this amp was built and inspected by Harry Joyce himself. All original except for addition of a cooling fan, changed power tube sockets, changed fuse holders to U.S. size, and addition of a line-out jack on the rear panel. The actual audio circuit of the amp is 100% original and untouched. Original Partridges as well. No other mods or changes, sounds exactly as it should.US
2404DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
2423DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
2472DR103 Hylight 4-input Top Condition - almost original - 1971AT
2499DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, Partridge mains: TG9302,H1421, output: TG5479,H1422, serial number plate located right of center. Later circuit where volume increases dramatically early in the sweep of the master volume. 1971 date codes.US
2456DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUK
2457DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, open-frame Partridges, indcutor, half power switch, added jacks on rear panelUS
2459DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Still running on the original KT88sFR
2462DR504 Hylight 4-input, fairly worn, original Partridges (TG6507,H1426 and TG6556,H1427) and caps, two extra octals added in normally empty holes (??)NO
2469DR103 Hylight 4-inputCH
2474DR103 Hylight 4-input, pot Dates 1971 week 45-48, added bias pot, original Partridge transformersDE
2475DR103 Hylight 4-input, 71 on the potsIT
2491DR103 Hylight 4-input in good working condition, original Partridge transformers:GE
2495DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
2501DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
2506DR103 Hylight 4-input Oklahoma City, OKUS
2512DR103 Hylight 4-input Transformers TG 9302-H1421, TG 5479-H1422, caps 71/40 48,Pots by RS 71/45 48. Gold marks on solder joints. Original cover with light blue pipingUK
2547DR103 Hylight 4-input Very nice amp! I've been using it for bass and really gets the job done!US
2559DR103 Hylight 4-input Yellow label open frame Partridges TG5479/H1422/B TG9302/H1421/B. Gold marks on solder joints. Electrolytics replaced with new FT, single-pot bias mod,no preamp tube covers. Otherwise all original and extremely clean in near-mint cosmetic condition. Smells amazing.US
2568DR103 Hylight 4-inputNO
2585DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, Clean, looks all originalNO
2588DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input IEC 3 pin power cord mod by a former owner.Great condition.US
2597DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
2597STA200 4-KT88 Hylight STA200 Partridge TG 7239 H2095M and TG 9424 H2094M, Dubilier CT 3721 6946, Electrolytics 72.24; caps and switches replacedUK
2610DR103 Hylight 4-input Stock DR103 with the exception of 2 orange drop caps,and an updated power cord. Excellent condition.US
2627DR504 Hylight 4-input Sonically superb, aesthetically OK. Purchased via eBay UK from Tim Box,former guitarist for U.K. band The Barbs. Partridge codes TG6507/H1426 and TG6556/H1427. All original insides except for speaker selector knob apparently lost on tour speaker outputs hardwired to one 16 ohm, one 8 ohm. Three caps dated to 40th week of 1971. Two pots coded 7145, two dated 7201 and three dated 72/02. Only a few red pen test marks,which seem to have faded to tannish. Arrived with pair of GT E34LS and quad of Mazda preamp tubes three ECC83s and ECC81 in the PI.US
2631DR504 Hylight 4-inputCA
2634DR504 Hylight 4-input Partridge Transformers UK
2640DR103 Hylight 4-input Partridge transformers: TG5479, H1422C / TG9302, H1421,Caps: 1X7016, 3X7140, Pots: 1x71/43, 3X71/48, 1X71/49, 2X72/01NO
2644DR103 Hylight 4-inputNO
2656DR112 Hylight 6-channel PAUK
2657DR112 Hylight 6-channel PAUK
2659DR112 Hylight 6-input PA Shipped to US from UK. Youngest components pots dated 1972 11th week. All original caps, two of the grays dated 40th week of 1971. Entire row of treble pots dated 11th week of 1972. Handful of Mullard 12AX7s. Transformer codes TG5479/H1422L and TG9302/H1421A yellow label, open frame. Initials JB in white inside cabinet. As with two other PAs I own DR 112 and 512, presence control is far more subtle than on DR103/504. Bass response not as pronounced as on DR112 No. 920.US
2662DR103 Hylight 4-input Road warrior with Heyboer replacement PT. Early 1972 date codes on most componentsUS
2668DR103 Hylight 4-input 1972 model in oustanding condition. Purchased from guitar shop in Reading Berkshire, UK in 1998. Serviced by the legendary Charlie Chandler Kingston, UK in 2006. Some minor component replacement, originals kept.UK
2675DR103 Hylight 4-input hard-wired kettle plug, one input jack broken/missing,exterior a little rough, looks all originalMK
2688DR103 Hylight 4-input, original apart from bigger partridge power transformer.UK
2691DR103 Hylight 4-input, has line out mod, vintage style round 3-pole power connector as well as hard wired American power cable. Has name “Bock” and “JB” written on it.US
2693DR103 Hylight 4-inputSE
2695DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
2699DR103 Hylight 4-input, in a Sound City housing with smooth tolex and silver piping -- don't know if this is original.NL
2700DR103 Hylight 4-inputSI
2723DR504 Hylight 4-input Pot codes RS 71.45 71.49 72.01 72.02. Partridges TG6507-H1426 TG6556-H1427. OE RS caps dated 70.38 71.40 71.45 71.47 71.49. Recapped. 2x Philips EL34. Bulgin conn.BE
2740DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Original Partridge PT no.H1424-TG9239. Original Partridge OT no.H1423-TG9424. No visible code on original Partridge choke. RS pots coded 72/02. RS Filter caps coded 71-41 and 71-16. 4 White speakers jacks. Original KT88s apart from one and NOS ECC83s. Green standby neon replaced and box recovered in newer vintage correct material.CA
2741<DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, all original, 1971 cap/1972 pot dates, Partridge TG7239 (OT), TG9424 (MT)UK
2744DR504 Hylight 4-inputAT
2758DR103 Hylight 4-input, Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, Partridge mains: TG9302,H1421,US
2767DR103 Hylight 4-input, OT: TG5479 H3058J, PT: TG9302 H3795MUS
2770DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
2772DR103 Hylight 4-input Excellent original condition, Owned since 1981.AU
2774DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Good ConditionGR
2792DR103 Hylight 4-inputNO
2800DR103 Hylight 4-input Excellent condition and all original.FI
2802DR103 Hylight 4-input, Perfect and all originalFI
2812DR103 Hylight 4-input, IEC installed, fuse holder replacedUS
2827DR103 Hylight 4-input Bought in August 1972 in Geneva. 4 Input. 4EL34EH - 4 12AX7 JJ/Tesla - D/7149 - P 71.47 - serial plate right of center - Very good condition.FR
2867DR504 Hylight 4-input AP
2873DR504 Hylight 4-input excellent, unhacked. Has Bulgin and grommet covering factory hole in left rear panel, s/n right, white o/p jacksUS
2894DR504 Hylight 4-input, Partridge PT: TG6507,H2097D OT: TG6556,K2098D Partially re-capped, fairly clean inside and out.US
2919DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, open-frame Partridges TG5479,H1422C and TG9302,H1421C,early 70's circuit,US
2923DR103 Hylight 4-input, All OriginalAT
2929DR103 Hylight 4-input PT TG9302/H1421C, OT TG5479/H1422C. Pots by RS dated 72/04, 06, 1116. Caps dated 71/49. T in circle on chassis end panelUK
2937DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
2991DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, open-frame Partridges,early 70's circuit, a few parts replacedUS
2944DR103 Hylight 4-inputIT
2972DR103 Hylight 4-inputNO
2977STA200 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input,DE
2960DR103 Hylight 4-input White output jacks, serial plate right of centre,missing ohm selector cap, bought in UK and has recently been moved to Sydney Australia.AU
300xDR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, PartridgesUS
3001DR405 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin repl. w/ IEC, open-frame Partridges, OT TH1383,H2351D,Choke TG7240, white O/P jacks + line out, blue MF resistorsUS
3003DR103 Hylight 4-inputPT
3009DR103 Hylight 4-input all original good condition, pots dated early 72,Partridge codes are: output TG5479, H2092E, power TG9302, H2093ESK
3022DR504 Hylight 4-input, Partridge transformers, all caps date 1971. Bulgin plug had been replaced, shooty job, JB written inside the cab. Found in a repair shop of a warehouse. Has been there for 30 years.US
3023DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin mains, serial plate right of center, brown selector rings, white output jacksCA
3025DR504 Hylight 4-input, Filter caps date to 72US
3028DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, All originalUS
3030DR504 Hylight 4-input Bought in 2010 in Denmark from a danish musician. In very good condition, some wear. Claimed to be the original Mullard EL34 tubes. Only modification is the 230 V wire put onto it.DK
3036DR112 Hylight 6-channel PA, black output jacks, factory grommet over mains hole on left rear panel, Bulgin plug replaced with IEC,echo in/out and slave out on front panel. R&R 2005US
3041DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Bought without head shell. Head shell fabricated as close as possible to original.On chassis everything original except for axial bias capacitor. Output jacks all parallel divided in two groups. Mullard Blackburn preamp tubes, Yugo KT99 tubes in the output.HR
3042DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUS
3046DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridges incl. choke, Bulgin->IEC,serial plate right of center, 4 black output jacks, vynyde removed painted blackUS
3049DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, Partridges, Bulgin mains, serial plate right of center, 4 white output jacksUS
3051DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, toggles, Partridge output: TG5479,H2092E,serial number plate located right of center, nonstandard recap,non-original hole in seral plateUS
3057DR103 Hylight 4-input Found in a shed in Ireland. Poor conditionIR
3069DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
3075DR103 Hylight 4-input Totaly original icluding wiring except for one valve change (EL34). Owned for the last 30 years. In full working order. Not used and stored in house.UK
3077DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
3082SA112 Hylight 4-inputIT
3091DR504 Hylight 4-input FR
3103DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
3128DR203 4-KT88 Hylight other 6-input PA Head. 1972 codes on pots and original caps,Original except for recap and powerswitch...FI
3145DR504 Hylight 4-inputUS
3147DR504 Hylight 4-input, all original except for tubes, well used though!US
3177DR504 Hylight 4-input 4 input custom 50,partridge trannies, pots date to 1972,white outputs, serial plate to right, 2 caps replaced, well used but still plenty of life leftUK
3197DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUS
3199DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, Partridge PT TG9424,H1040, repl. OT Heyboer HTS-8130-2,Bulgin repl. w/ IEC, repl. indicators, caps, and screen Rs, very good condition.US
3204DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
3215DR112 Hylight 6-input PA Bought from new Circa 1972 from a now defunct music shop called McKay Sound Music 100 Westagate Road ,Newcastle. Current condition excellent UK
3217DR103 Hylight 4-input, Partridge, recapped, 1972 codes, Bulgin connector replaced with an old Swiss type.CH
3219DR103 Hylight 4-input HIWATT DR 103 with original lead, the red points test was present in the top of all the welds, the varnish is intact, all the components are original, 4 EL34 Svetlana logoC, 3 ECC83, 1 ECC81,The preamp schematic is not the same of the DR103 classic, the power tube bias max is boosted =80mAFR
3224DR103 Hylight 4-input, 4 input original Partridge OT, replacement Partridge PT,re-capped, original caps were dated 1972.US
3224DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin replaced with IEC, several replaced pots and power valves over the years, regularly gigged but well looked after.UK
3232SA212 Hylight 4-input clean 50 watt 2x12 combo with original FanesUS
3237DR504 Hylight 4-input, This one is a 50 watt and a powerful piece of workUK
3249DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUS
3255DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Recently bought, retubed output and recapped. Using live with a Bergantino NV610. Immense.ES
3269DR103 Hylight 4-inputGB
3271DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
3272DR103 Hylight 4-inputEG
3288DR504 Hylight 4-inputAU
3305DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
330?DR201 4-KT88 Hylight? 4-input Hiwatt 200 Custom BuiltUS
3307DR504 Hylight 4-input modified master volume, push-pull pot, in position, no level effect, out position, level adjustable....seems to have extreme overdrive in out position Mullard power tubes, ecc81 and ecc83\s pre amp...US
3310DR504 Hylight 4-inputUS
3323DR103 Hylight 4-input 1972 - well used. All original circitryUK
3326DR103 Hylight 4-input, mint, ungigged condition, snatched out of a time warp! It smells like 1972 too!UK
3327DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
3329DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, Partridges TG5479,H2092_ and TG9302,H2093G,s/n right, white o/p jacks, mid 1972 cap date codes, very clean and stockUS
3335DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
3344DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, mains input replaced, Partridges, early 70's preamp,inductor, some obvious repairsUS
3345DR103 Hylight 4-input, pot codes 72/26, mostly MF resistors,PT TG9302/H2093F, OT TG5479/H2092F both 'bare' coresUS
3360DR103 Hylight 4-input, inside the right hand side of cabinet are the letters JBNL
3362DR103 Hylight 4-input Stock, excellent condition, replacement valvesNL
3365DR103 Hylight 4-inputSE
3366DR112 Hylight 6-input PANL
3371DR112 Hylight 6-input PA amplifier, all original, Partridges TG5479/H2092H,TG9302/H2093G, Bulgin mains, caps have 72.12 date codes, one replaced.US
3380DR103 Hylight 4-input DE
3383DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, Partridges, s/n right, white o/p jacks,early 70's preampUS
3403DR103 Hylight 4-input I had bought my used Hiwatt DR103 in 1988 for 600 DM. I've been using it for 20 years now and I wouldn't give it away for good!DE
3434DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
3438DR103 Hylight 4-input Strange mains transformer, laydown style Partridge - looks factory. Has factory grommet over mains hole at left rear panel, IEC connector not Bulgin, black output jacks. Bought it in Italy in November 2023 after watching it on Reverb for 9 months. Just moved to the UK, so the amp is back in the UK.UK
3447DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, Partridges, early 70's preampUS
3459DR504 Hylight 4-inputIR
3482DR203 4-KT88 Hylight 6-input PA, all original, 1971 cap/1972 pot. dates,Partridge TG7239 (OT), TG9424 (MT), black output jacksUK
3510DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, S/N right, Partridge TG5479,H2092M TG9302,H1421C, white output jacks, early 70's circuitUK
3512DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
3523DR103 Hylight 4-input US
3556DR103 Hylight 4-input Back panel missing. Power supply recently completely rebuilt, variable bias pot added.NL
3562DR103 Hylight 4-input all original, very good condition, built in 1972DE
3569DR103 Hylight 4-input Yellow label Partridge transformers, original Mullard valves, hard-wired mains lead.AU
3571DR103 Hylight 4-input, in very good conditionDE
3452DR103 Hylight 4-input Near mint condition with original tubes. Hasnt been turned on since 1973. Previous owner purchased amp without Bulgin plug/cord.US
3574DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input Custom 100 head, very clean. Yellow label open-frame Partridge transformers, original caps, Bulgin, white output jacks, black selector rings, traditional black and white logo. Almost all original, a half-power switch and a pentode/triode switch added back panel. In this way the amp can guarantee in pentode mode DR103s original circuit 100 watt and 50 watt output power, plus in triode mode 50 watt and 25 watt output power according to the musicians want. So the amp can be cranked not only in a stadium, but also in a small studio. Awesome! Since this amp is an early one, sounds darker than a late 70s model the tone is very same as Martin Barre's of early Jethro Tull. The amp has JJ/Tesla valves at the moment, keeps its superb build quality and works perfectly.HU
3580DR112 Hylight 6-input PA. Caps 72 Pots 72. Mains T/x TG9302. O/P T/X TG5479.UK
3581?DR103 Hylight 4-input Original components different from schematics, rewired in 1990 to match known values. Sounds great to this day! Matched with SE 4122 cabinet SN 3581US
3581SA212 Hylight 4-input 1972 4-hole Appear to be original cast frame Fanes, but no dust caps. Marshall style handles installed,chassis and amp in good shape, speaker cabinet and tolex a bit roughUS
3597DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 1972. Original Partridge transformers.UK
3612other other 6-input PA US
3644DR112 Hylight 6-input PA was used as the PA in a methodist church for at least 20 years.UK
3683DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Bought from The Music Locker, December 2020.AU
3690DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Partridge TG7239,H2095H TG9424,H2094H TG7240,H2096H,white output jacksJP
3706DR203 4-KT88 Hylight 6-input PA, most components date to 1972US
3745DR103 Hylight 4-inputBE
3771DR103 Hylight 4-inputSE
3777DR103 Hylight 4-input Re-capped. One Orignal cap dates 6947. Line out disconected.Partridge TG5479/H1411D TG9303/H2093E.NO
3797DR103 Hylight 4-inputAP
3798DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin, 100V line tap, recapped, yellow label open frame Patridges, OT TG5479-H2092M and PT TG9302-H2093H, came with Mullard and Brimar preamp valves. Pot OE and codes RS 72.26 to 72.42. Black selector rings.BE
3817DR504 Hylight 4-input Bought in 1972 and owned from newUK
3820DR504 Hylight 4-inputUS
3852DR103 Hylight 4-input Amp has either DF, DR or PF written in chalk on the inside of the cabinet under the earthing plate. It was bought for £95 in Leicester in 1981 and has been MINE ever sinceUK
3859DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin->IEC, S/N right, Partridge TG5479,H2097M TG9307,H2093M, white output jacks, early 70's circuitDE
3868DR103 Hylight 4-input, Ex-Pete TownsendUK
3871DR103 Hylight 4-inputSP
3875DR504 Hylight 4-input 4input partridge transformers, TG6556/2 H7098H,T66507 H20970, Brimar preamp valvesJP
3883DR504 Hylight 4-input Bulgin connector, grommet over factory hole at left rear panel, white output jacks, original capsUS
3884DR504 Hylight 4-input This amp is all original no mods at all and in full working order.IE
3887DR504 Hylight 4-input One of the transformers has had a rewind losing the Partridge transfers (decals) in the process. Excellent working condition.UK
3893DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bulgin replaced with IEC, hard-wired for 115v, Partridge TG5479,H2092M and one Marshall (PT) replacement, a little rough inside, has been through some rework.US
3907DR103 Hylight 4-input, purchased from the original owner 22/01/10 on ebay. ex cond, it is all original, never been touched, Partride codes H2093M H2092M, Pot codes-2xRS72/44 3xRS72/46 1x?71/23 1x?70/19,Cap codes-1x plessey16uf 72/38 3x plessey220uf 439/1/23401/481caps 1xRS72/15 cap, org mullard el34s, org brimar pres, org bulgin power lead, Inside, no H.J. but all the solder joins have the red pen mark,still got all the org mustard caps an blue resistors, the only time it has seen a solder iron was when it was made, in fact I'm sure the only time the chassis has been out of the box was when he took pics to put on ebay! comes with org black with blue pipe cover, even came with original reciept of purchase when new in Feb 1973 for 90 pounds! WOW! I am a lucky boy! apparently he used to have 2 dr103\s with 2x hiwatt 4x15\s which he played bass thru during the 70s an its been in his front room since the early 80s!UK
3913DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
3938DR103 Hylight 4-input US
3940DR103 Hylight 4-input Harry Joyce wired with pots dated 44th week of 1972. Original Partridges, white output jacks, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary, has a handful of minor components replaced, but was well maintained.US
3943DR103 Hylight 4-inputUK
3958DR103 Hylight 4-input, clean exterior, replaced standby, open-frame Partridges, lots of rework insideUS
3963DR103 Hylight 4-input PT replaced, possibly rear grill too.UK
3964DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
3966DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
3976STA200 4-KT88 Hylight Slave amp, 72/22 on capsAT
3977STA200 6-EL34 Hylight slave It is significantly redesigned for 6 x EL34. Chassis and the front and rear panels are in very good condition. The serial number and type label is as new. The number on the 100uf 450V capacitors is 72.22. Partridge transformers. Missing 2 white jack connectors on the back side. I try to get it back to its original stateSK
3980STA200 4-KT88 Hylight Slave amp, Partridges transformers and chokeUK
3nnnDR103 Hylight 4-input Serial number plate was gone when I bought it, with three-prong plug and cord hardwired through original hole behind plate. Yellow-label Partridge codes TG9302/H2093E and TG5479/H2092E. All pots dated fourth, 15th and 16th weeks of 1972. All original green and yellow caps range from 1969 to 1972. Black speaker outputs. Voltage selector control missing. Came with California-label Groove Tubes that still sound great nearly 20 years after amp was purchased circa late 1990s. Orange-ink T on chassis, pencil marking T/S inside cabinet.US
4002DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input TG9424/H2094C, TG7239/H2095C, TG7240/H2968 choke. Pots dated 73/03, 04 07. Caps 72/09 24. T. on label on chassis end.UK
4003DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input PT TG9424/H2094C, OT PT7239/H2095C, choke TG7240/H2968. Pots 73/03, 4 7. Caps 72/24. Bought direct from factory by previous owner as extra amp for mobile disco. Factory modified so could be used as a slave. Serial plate moved to center and sockets added to hole behind plate marked slave out and blanked off hole on far left of rear marked slave inUK
4004DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Bought used from Chicago, now resides in CaliforniaUS
4009DR504 Hylight 4-inputGB
4035DR504 Hylight 4-input All original/unmodified Bulgin mains, Hi/Lo input pairs Harry Joyce sig on chassis, Partridge transformers / Mullard valves. Bought new around 1972, still works perfectly.UK
4037DR103 Hylight 4-input Excellent condition, bias pot added,no additional modificationsUS
4042DR504 Hylight 4-input Purchased used from Freedome Guitars in San Diego, California in the mid 1980s. The band name IMPULSE was painted on the top of the cabinet using stencils and spraypaint. Still has the original Mullards except for the output tubes.US
4044DR103 Hylight 4-input, original Partridges, Bulgin replaced with IEC,additional speaker out added by previous ownersUK
4047DR504 Hylight 4-input http://ewilkins.com/lespaul/hiwatt_duo.jpgUS
4105DR504 Hylight 4-input, Recently serviced by Harry Kolbe NYC who said Hiwatts are his favorite amp to work on, due to thier subperb build quality!US
4109DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4110DR504 Hylight 4-input The serial is over-stamped - 4100 became 4110. Amp owned by Pal who late 70s blew the PT using a 5 amp fuse at 115 VAC, stuck it in closet. Rescued and had Zinky install one of his PTs. Very, Very happy.US
4111DR504 Hylight 4-input Purchased from Victor Mason at Plexi Palace in October of 2008.US
4112DR504 Hylight 4-input, original Partridge transformers. Bulgin has been replaced with IECUS
4113DR504 Hylight 4-input, Partridges, white output jacks, Bulgin replaced with IEC, recapped 2007, dual bias mod, pots have 1973 date codesCA
4117DR504 Hylight 4-input Bulgin connector, white output jacksUS
4123DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4127DR103 Hylight 4-input, Bought used 1986 Denver, CO. Seller claims to have bought two complete half stacks from Tommy Bolin Estate. Bought amp head and 4X12 cab for $550. Chassis has white sticker on side with a capital T in black ink. Partridge transformers. All dates inside amp indicate 1973 manufacture. 39 years old and still looks and sounds new! Love it.CA
4131DR103 Hylight 4-input UK
4132DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4136STA100? Hiwatt Doncaster slave UK
4139DR103 Hylight 4-input, I bought this new DR103 around 1978 I think with cabinet 4279.US
4145DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4149DR103 Hylight 4-input Has a sticker on chasis left hand side with the letter T. In black ink.Also has P S inside cabinet written in chalk.UK
4152DR103 Hylight 4-input I used it in Guided By Voices,and still use it on my solo records. US
4174DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
4176DR103 Hylight 4-inputNO
4177DR103 Hylight 4-input Purchased from its first owner in France in 2024, himself having bought it in Edinburgh in 1973. 100 original components,no audible defects.FR
4179DR103 Hylight 4-input, PartridgesUS
4182DR109? Hylight 4-input CUSTOM BUILT PA 100UK
4209DR103 Hylight 4-input, Original Partridge Transformers: TG9302/H2093A and TG5479/H7123L. Very good condition, pretty much stock, except for the tubes.SP
4283DR103 Hylight 4-input All original, in EXCELLENT condition, restoring minor internal re-workings to factory spec. Previously owned by JO JO GUNNE,on tour with Rod Stewart and the Faces, as a back-up. Bears Harry Joyce initials in blue pen.US
4198DR103 Hylight 4-input Partridge OT, caps date to late : and early ;,so I suppose the amp was built in early 1973. Used to amplify a Leslie cabinet.AT
4203DR103 Hylight 4-inputCL
4222DR504 Hylight 4-input, Pretty good nick compared to other 1973 models Ive seen on the net.UK
4227DR103 Hylight 4-input, near perfect conditionUS
4243DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, all original, very clean, white output jacks.US
4248DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
4259DR103 Hylight 4-input It has one of the Unusual Preamp Variants built in... Amp is in Salzburg, AustriaAT
4269DR103 Hylight 4-inputIT
4274DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input, 4-output, needs dummy jack if used with one cab, Partridge transformers, Bulgin plug, original soft cover. recapped as precaution by tech, new mains switch, overall 9/10 condition.UK
4241DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, discovered in 2009 as NEW OLD STOCK!FR
4259DR103 Hylight 4-inputAT
4277DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input, original Partridge transformers. The front plastic panel is factory stock but its missing the letter s where it should read Brilliant Inputs it reads Brilliant Input.US
4306DR103 Hylight 4-input Unmodified DR-103 Custom Hiwatt 100 head. Bulgin power receptacle. No unusual features.US
4317DR504 Hylight 4-inputUS
4326DR504 Hylight 4-inputUK
4338DR112 Hylight 6-input PADE
4340DR112 Hylight 6-input PAUK
4352DR103 Hylight 4-input, PT 9302/H2093B last 2 not clear, OT TG 5479/H3058C last 2 not clear. Pots dated 73/11, caps 72/49. Capacitor on board appears to be dated 7046! Guess it is a March/April 73. HJ in blue on chassis with 1 red dot to the left and 2 to the right. Blue marks on components and nuts and bolts, brass colour on solder joints. F in blue on chassis end, PT side, along with T on adhesive tap near it.UK
4366DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUS
4376DR103 Hylight 4-input.US
4385DR504 Hylight 4-input, normal cab but white panel and logo, Partridges,bulgin, s/n right, white outputsUS
4416SA412 Hylight 50 watt 4-input 4x12 - speakers are a little worse for wear, very heavy!FR
4427DR103 Hylight 4-input Original Partridge transformers. Not all the original Mullards present. Head cabinet is fairly worn showing it has been well loved.US
4428DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-Input, Partridge Transformers, 4-EL34s,Previous owner had Professional Amp Tech wire in fan to cool tubes. Tolex has been around the block. But built like a tank, and plays perfect.US
4436DR103 Hylight 4-input, original Partridge OTs, Bulgin connectorUS
4439DR103 Hylight 4-input original partidges, 2 caps replaced, Bulgin replaced with an IEC, has main line hole at left rear with plug originalUK
4447DR201 4-KT88 PT: Heyboer HI-200P, TH8108, OT: Partridge TG7239, H2093D, Choke TG7240,H2096, Bulgin connector, new filter caps, white output jacks, heat shield missing, S/N centered; one tube socket replacedUS
4451SA412 Hylight 4-inputJP
4455SA212 Hylight 4-inputUK
4471DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
4473DR103 Hylight 4-input, white coveringFI
4477DR201 4-KT88 PT replaced, mains selector not working, 120/240v toggle added, standby neon replaced, fuse holders replaced, Bulgin, Partridge PT: Heyboer TH8108, (120/240v only), OT TG7239,H2093D, Choke TG7240,H2096, filters and at least one poly cap and some resistors replaced, white o/p jacks, heat shield missing, S/N centeredUS
4491DR103 Hylight 4-inputCH
4507DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4513DR103 Hylight 4-input, original partridge trannys, had boxer fan installed in headbox, line out installed, all original except recappedUS
4518DR103 Hylight 4-input All original electronics, very good condition, awesome sound. Been using as a bass head, amazing kick and fullness to tone.US
4527DR103 Hylight 4-input No power cord, no Harry Joyce initials inside. Original Mullard output tubes, sweet sounding ampSR
4532DR103 Hylight 4-input Hiwatt head, all original.IT
4541SA212 Hylight 4-input Custom Built 50 Watt Combo, open frame Partridges, very clean, original cast frame Fanes (122231, 14000G, 50 watt, 7/72)FR
4542SA212 Hylight 4-input comboFR
4546SA212 Hylight 4-input Custom Built 50 Watt Combo. Bought new in 72. Replaced speakers in 92 with Fane Classic 12/70s. I still have the original HIWATT speakers. Had the amp recapped and serviced in 07. By far, the best amp I have ever owned!US
4559DR504 Hylight 4-input Tolex a bit battered but a lovely sounding, classic amp.UK
4562DR504 Hylight 4-input Very good condition, a few small scars in the tolex, otherwise very clean. Sounds fantastic. All original parts except recently recapped and replaced bias cap Dec 2021. Original Partridges TG6507 / H2964F and TG6556/2 / H2945D, all original pots with blue dots dating to 13th week 1973. Orange/yellow solder inc. No signature. Original bulgin and power/standby switches.NO
4565DR504 Hylight 4-input 1973US
4566DR504 Hylight 4-input Bought from a guy who owned it since 1979UK
4574DR405 Hylight 4-input Great conditionUS
4575DR405 Hylight 4-input, Cap cans are dated 24/72, Latest Pot date is 48/72,Partridges, PT TH1364,H2357F, OT H2351, Bulgin cord is original, Amp is in good condition!US
4580DR405 Hylight slave, converted at some point to 405 4-input specs and fitUS
4593STA100 Hylight slave 100 watt Slave in excellent condition.US
4600DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
4601DR103 Hylight 4-input, open-frame Partridge TG9302,H3059B and TG5479, hole drilled in S/N plate, significant rework in PS and output stage,fairly clean otherwise, Bulgin, white output jacksUS
4606DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4609DR103 Hylight 4-inputCH
4610DR103 Hylight 4-input Purchased head only and cover for $160 at the Marks Bros Pawn shop in Spokane Washington in about 1985. Condition, as newUS
4612DR103 Hylight 4-inputFR
4634DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-inputUS
4648DR504 Hylight 4-inputUS
4650DR504 Hylight 4-input Original Partridges, Original Filters which need to be replaced before playing again, all 5 bulging sadly, w/ 4x12 100w Cabinet, S/N-4734, also all original. Uncle purchased in 1981 from original owner. Great shape other than few minor tolex scuffs. Sounds incredible even with 45 year old bulging caps in it!US
4651DR504 Hylight 4-input Still has original Bulgin socket.US
4652DR504 Hylight 4-input Partridge transformers, all pots blue dotted, dated 73 08,white output sockets, TS sticker on chassis, no signatures.UK
4658DR103 Hylight 4-input, All original apart from mains and standby switches. Had to replace all electrolytics as venting date codes 7311, 7315, 7249. Partridge OPT S/N TG5479, Mains TG9302. TS sticker on chassis. HJ in blue pen on underside.UK
4659DR504 Hylight 4-input, Line out installed in the face plate! Few replaced resistors and bias cap.UK
4661DR103 Hylight 4-input, Two filter capacitors and both fuse holders were replaced. The rest is all original. Harry Joyce initials on the chassis lip in the upper left corner. Tested and Soaked sticker on side of chassis. Mullard Blackburn tubes in amp and preamp section.HR
4663DR103 Hylight 4-input Output resistors replaced to spec in late 70s. Transformer replaced at Kingston office, 1980s, with a spare prototype I think. Something right they had to hand anyway. Feet replaced with stock from Adam Hall Supplies. Extensive use, good condition with a few scuffs,still works and sounds fine.UK
4670STA50 Hylight slave STA50 slave head. Partridge transformers. I can provide pot codes and date codes if you can tell me where to look and what to look for. Cheers.AU
4676DR112 Hylight 6-input PA All original Partridge transformers TG5479 and TG9302. Volume pot date 73/20UK
4685DR109 Hylight 4-input PA All original Partridge transformers TH1037 and TH1038,Mosts pot dated 70/37 or so, master pots 73/14, cut down serial plateUK
4690DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4700DR103 Hylight 4-input, early 70s preamp, turrets (on strip replaced),Partridges, recapped, standby sw replaced, both selectors missing,hard-wired for 120v and 16 ohms, no cabinetUS
4711DR103 Hylight 4-inputNL
4713DR103 Hylight 4-input All original. Original Partridges, tubes Xf3-B3K3 B3K4,capacitors 7315, pots 7316, white output jacks, and Bulgin socket. Bulgin socket is intact, but a new power cord has been added.US
4716other Hylight 6-input PA Serial tag is stamped DR512, but its a 100W amp - same as a DR112. Transformer codes are TG9302 H3059E and TG5479 H3058E. RS pots 73/14, Radiohm pots 5-3, caps 73-11.UK
4743DR112 Hylight 6-input PA Caps 72/73. Pots 73. Partridge transformers TG9302 TG5479. White speaker jacks. All original. I bought this amp new in 1974 sold it in 1979 and bought it back in 2008.UK
4753DR103 Hylight 4-input AP, all original but IEC connector installed,Partridges PT OTIT
4760DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input Very clean! Added small choke probably for reliability reasons back in the day. Louder than hell too!US
4764DR201 4-KT88 Hylight 4-input. Partridge PT TG9424, H2094F, choke TG7240,H2096D,very cleanUS
4775SA212 Hylight 2x12 combo, orignal Fanes, volume mod.US
4782SA212 Hylight, 50w, Partridges PT TG6507, H2964G, OT: TG65??/7,H2965G,cast-frame Fanes 122231,US
4797other Hylight 6-input PA, two Partridge transformers, Mullard EL84s(?), Mullard ECC83s,bought at Carlsbro sound centre Mansfield, Notts around 1975? for ~£50UK
4803DR512 Hylight 6-input PAUK
4805DR512 Hylight P.A. 50, Partridges TG6507, TG6556/2, six inputs, VG condition,all original including all Mullard valves, EL34s are XF2sUS
4806DR512 Hylight P.A. 50, Partridges TG6507, TG6556/2, six inputs,converted to a DR504 circuit for guitar use in 2004FI
4518DR103 Hylight 4-input All original, cover is worn from use. Sweet bass amp, great for keys too. White output jack is worn. Otherwise, condition very good.US
4818DR103 Hylight 4-input, PartridgesUK
4822DR103 Hylight 4-input Stolen from original owner in New Orleans (1976). Fan added to right side. (S/N might be 4288)US
4846DR504 Hylight 4-input 4 input with extra components on V2 and H.J on chassis.UK
4848DR504 Hylight 4-input near mint condition, only minor repairs done.NO
4849DR504 Hylight 4-inputDE
4866DR103 Hylight 4-inputUS
4870DR103 Hylight 4-input Transformers TG 9302 / H3059F, TG 5479 / H3058FR
4872DR103 Hylight 4-inputAT
4887DR103 Hylight 4-input Hylight 4-input, Partridges TG9302:H2093E PT, H3058F OT, Bulgin socket, missing power cord, white output jacks, Chassis initialed 'Hjo' in orange marker front/right edge, KI in orange marker back/left edge. Fan added to right side facing transformer. Power tubes: Sylvania 6CA7/El34, GE 6CA7/El34 3x. 12AX7 Sylvania 3x, 12AT7 International Servicemaster.US
4895DR103 Hylight 4-input all just as inspected, chassis has HJ in ink or paint pen and looks like he inspected every solder joint and nut and bolt cause theres a DOT of that same color on each place, gaffers tape on left side of chassis with a T in the same penUS
4942DR103 Hylight 4-inputZA
4945DR103 Hylight 4-input Bobby was written on the chassis. Usual TS on the left. Transformers serial numbers are: TG5479 H2092B and TG9302 H3059B, Partridge Transformers LTD Made in England.BR
4960DR103 Hylight 4-input 4 input , 1973 with linked input mod. H.J. initials on chassisSR
4969DR103 Hylight 4-input, date pots week 24 of 1973 except master volume week 30 of 1973, all capacitors are from 1972NL
4972DR103 Hylight 4-input In excellent condition. Still with Mullard tubes.AU
4975DR103 Hylight 4-input Replaced feet - trimmed serial number plate - 3 original Mullards EL34sGB
4985DR103 Hylight 4-input Power transformer smoked so it has been swapped with Heyboer Partridge clone, Output transformer still original. Filter caps changed. The rest of the amp is all original. All work done by Steven Fryette so It still looks immaculate inside. Amp sounds FANTASTIC!!US
4996DR103 Hylight 4-inputDE
4997DR103S Hylight 2-input with Switch inputUS
(631 entries.)

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