"ROADIES KNOW BEST AD" (photo courtesy of Alan Rogan & Brian Kehew)
This poster is a reproduction of one of HIWATT'S most famous Ad campaigns. The original advert came out in the Trade magazines in Europe in 1969, and focused on HIWATT'S already legendary reliability amongst its roster of famous users/endorsees. Featured in the ad from top left to right were: DICK (King Crimson), DAVE REEVES (The Guvnor), BOB (The Who), ROY (Jethro Tull), PETE (Moody Blues), HANK (Manfred Mann), THE UNKNOWN ROADIE, PETER WEBBER "aka WIMPY" (Hiwatt's Sales Manager). The poster is owned by Alan Rogan, the road manager for the WHO throughout their career, and was photographed by Brian Kehew, a HIWATT STORY reader from Los Angeles, Ca. The splendid photos of Pete Townshend's CP103 heads in PHOTO GALLERY 18 are also the gracious contribution of Alan Rogan, (the heads were given to him by Pete),and Brian Kehew, who took the shots on his latest trip to the U.K. A larger (unfortunately, even more broken) view of the above poster can be accessed here.